I had an interview today, too. 我今天也参加了一创 面谈。
I had a great interview 我参加了一次很精膊实拿嫣
with Admissions at Columbia University. 与Columbia大学的照 生人员。
Really? 真的
What did they say? 他们说什麽
Will you get into the school? 你会被录取吗
Well, they didn't say anything for sure. 嗯 他们没有任何热非 的答覆。
But I figure that with my grades and with my personality, 但我想 凭我的成技 和我的品行
I'll have no problem. 我不会有问题。
Columbia's a terrific school. Columbia是一所很鞍舻难!
What are you going to do? 你打算读什麽
Do? I don't know. 读什麽 我不知道
I also applied to NYU. 我还申请了纽约大蜒А
You sound excited about Columbia. 听起来你对Columbiia大学跃跃欲试
What's your problem, Mike? 你现在问题在哪
Indecision. Indecision. 下不了决心 下不亮司 心。
It's not easy, 实在不容易
and this is an important decision we have to make. 这又是我们必须做档 一个重大决定。
What about you? 你呢
How was your interview with Michigan? 你跟Michigan大学档 人面谈得如何
The interview was fine. 面谈得很好。
It's a great college. 那是一所好大学。
It is. 是的。
My father would like me to go there. 我爸爸希望我去那抖
He and my Grandpa both went there. 他和我爷爷都曾在哪 读书。
Great medical school, too. 而且有很好的医学栽骸
I know. 我知道。
You can follow in your father's footsteps. 你可以跟随你父亲档淖 。
Ah! I'd like to follow in my own footsteps, Mike. 噢 我想走自己的侣 Mike。
What do you want to study? 你想学什麽
I've been thinking. 我一直在考虑。
I think I want to study journalism 我想学新闻学
to be a reporter--a newspaperman. 将来当一名记者 乙 个新闻从业 员。
You do a pretty good job on the Riverdale High School paper. 你在Riverdale高中中校刊做得有声有色
And I've been thinking about it a lot lately. 最近我一直就此事舷 了很多。
Have you discussed it with your parents? 你和父母商量过了
No. But I have to. 没有 但有此必要
OK. Let's talk. 好 我们谈谈吧。
Hi, Son. Is everything all right? 嗨 孩子 一切都怂 利吗
Hi, Dad. Everything's fine. 嗨 爸爸。一切都汉谩
I was just waiting for you to get home 我正等你回来
so we could talk. 好跟你谈谈。
Anything special you want to talk about? 有什麽特殊的事要烫嘎
There is, Dad. 有 爸爸。
There is, Dad. 有 爸爸。
I'm listening. 那就说吧。
Well, I know you and Mom have given up a lot 嗯 我知道你和妈侣 省吃俭用
to save money for my college tuition. 存钱准备我的大学蜒Х选
We want you to go to college, Robbie. 我们希望你上大学 Robbie。
I know. I do. 我知道。我会的。
But? 那还有什麽事
Well, I've thought a lot about which college, 嗯 我为了上哪一怂 大学想了很多
and one of them is Columbia. 其中一所是Columbiia大学。
Columbia? Why Columbia? Columbia 为什麽乙olumbia
First, they have an excellent School of Journalism. 首先 那 有个很佑 秀的新闻研究所。
They do. 是的。
And your friends are planning to go to Columbia? 而且你的朋友们也鬃急干螩olumbia大学
That's only part of it. 这只是一部分原因
It's complicated. 原因很 杂。
I'll try to explain. 我会尽量给你解释
Mike and I had a hamburger this afternoon, and we talked. 今天下午 Mike和挝乙黄鸪
汉堡 一起讨论。
Yes? 是吗
Well, we talked about a lot of things. 嗯 我们谈了很多
He applied to Columbia, 他申请了Columbia创笱
and his interview was very successful. 他的面谈很成功。
He thinks he'll be accepted, 他觉得他会被录取
and he really wants to go there. 他确实很想去那
and he really wants to go there. 他确实很想去那
Dean Rafer called me today. Rafer主任今天打电电话给我
He told me he was very impressed with you. 他告诉我他对你印 象很好。
He's a nice man. 他是个好人
He was very kind. 对人和蔼。
He told me 他告诉我
you had some doubts about wanting to go to Michigan. 你对上Michigan大蜒в 些疑虑。
Yes. I do. 是的 我有疑虑。
I'm just not sure about what I want to do. 我不知道该读什麽
That's OK. 不去不要紧。
You understand? 你能谅解
Let me tell you something, Robbie. 让我告诉你一件事 Robbie。
Something that might be surprising to you. 一件也许会让你吃揪 的事。
What? Tell me. 什麽事 说给我听烫
Well, Grandpa wanted me to study engineering, like him. 嗯 爷爷希望我像怂 一样学工程
Well, I wasn't clear about my future, 我对自己的未来当适 也不清楚
but I knew engineering was not for me. 但我知道工程对我膊缓鲜省
What did you tell Grandpa? 那你是如何对爷爷怂档哪
The truth. 实话实说。
Then you're not upset 那麽 你没有感到膊豢
about my not wanting to go into medicine? 对我不学医。
I'm not upset at all. 一点也不。
I'm just happy that we're able to talk about it. 我很高兴我们能够乙黄 商讨这件事。
I'm just happy that we're able to talk about it. 我很高兴我们能够乙黄 商讨这件事。
I am too, Dad. 我也一样 爸爸。
I suppose you want to apply to Columbia. 我猜想你会申请Collumbia大学。
Yes, but I also want to apply to several other colleges. 是的 但我还想申 请几所其他的大学。
I thought you wanted to go to Columbia. 我还以为你只想上CColumbia大学。
Well, I might want to go to Columbia. 嗯 我也许去Colummbia大学。
But I might not. 但也许不去。
I just want to be able to make my own decision. 我只想能够自己决抖ā
You're a real Stewart! 你真是我们Stewartt家的人
And if I think about it long enough, you never know ... 如果我一直考虑下热 的话 说不定……
Never know what? 说不定什麽
If I make my own decision, 如果我自己作决定档幕
I might choose Michigan. 我说不定选择Michiigan大学。
Robbie, you're something! Robbie 你真是有构瞧
You know, when I was your age, 要知道 当我像你照 麽大的时候
I said exactly the same thing to Grandpa. 我跟你爷爷说了同蜒 的话。