
第九课:It's Up to You

Who is it? 是谁?
Dad. 爸爸。
Come on in, Dad. 请进来 爸爸。
I thought you might be hungry. 我想你大概饿了。
I brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk. 我替你带来一份 热 三明治和一杯牛奶。
I am hungry. 我真是饿了
Thanks, Dad. 谢谢 爸爸。
What time is it, anyway? 几点了 顺便问一舷隆
Ten o'clock. 十点钟。
What are you working on? 你在 什麽
I'm writing a story for the high-school paper. 我正在为高中校刊行匆 篇东西。
Can't you finish it tomorrow? 你明天完成它不行
No, I have to turn it in in the morning. 不行 明天上午我档媒怀 去。
What's it about? 是关於什麽的
I'm writing an article on the feelings about graduation. 我在写一篇关於毕乙 感想的文章。
And ... how do you feel? 那……你的感觉是适谗
Me? 我吗
A little scared. 有点害怕。
And excited, too. 也很兴奋。
I felt the same way. 我当时也有这种感适堋
The scary part's leaving home and moving to college. 害怕的是要离开家鞍 到学校去。
Oh, leaving home is part of growing up. 呵 离开家是成熟 过程的一部分。
Well, don't work all night. 好啦 别通宵工作
I don't mind. 我不在乎。
I enjoy writing. 我喜欢写作。
Well, 那麽
maybe you should think about becoming a writer. 也许你应考虑成为乙 名作家。
Maybe I should. 也许我该这样。
You have lots of time to decide. 你有很多时间做决抖ā
That's the worst part--making decisions. 最伤脑筋的是 鬃 决定。
You'll be OK. 你不会有问题的。
Good night, Son. 晚安 孩子。
Good night, Dad. 晚安 爸爸。
"Hail to the victors valiant, “向勇敢的胜利者种戮
Hail to the conquering heroes, 向进取的英雄们致
Hail, Hail to Michigan, 致敬 向Michigan种戮
Hail, Hail to Michigan, 致敬 向Michigan种戮
The champions of the West!" 西部的优胜者 ”
Ah, good morning, Robbie. 啊 早安 Robbie
Good morning, Dad. 早安 爸爸。
How's my grandson? 我的孙子怎样啦
Fine, Grandpa. Fine! 很好 爷爷 很好
What's all the cheering about? 这麽高兴是为什麽
Did the University of Michigan win another football game? 是不是Michigan大蜒в 赢得了一场足球赛
Better than that. 比那种事更值得高行恕
Tell him, Philip. 告诉他 Philip。
I just spoke with Charley Rafer. 我刚和Charley Raffer通了电话。
Who's Charley Rafer? 谁是Charley Rafer
He's the Dean of Admissions for the University of Michigan. 他是Michigan大学档男律 册主任。
And it turns out he's a classmate of Philip's. 有意思的是 他和PPhilip是同班同学。
We were both on the tennis team. 我们都是网球队的抖 员。
Great! 真棒
It is great. 的确是太好了。
He's going to be in New York tomorrow 明天 他要在纽约
to interview applicants for admission. 与申请入学者面谈
And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule. 他同意明天把你安排 进他的面 名单 。
But I may not want to go to Michigan. 但是 我可能不去MMichigan。
It's one of the best schools in the country, Robbie. 这是全国最好的大蜒 之一 Robbie。
I studied medicine there. 我在那 学医学。
I studied medicine there. 我在那 学医学。
Your grandfather went to the Engineering School there. 你爷爷进那 的工蜒 院。
I know that, but ... 这我知道 但是…
You said you wanted to be a doctor like your father. 你说过你希望像爸鞍 一样成为一名医生。
Not exactly. 还不一定。
You couldn't pick a finer medical school than Michigan. 你再也找不到一所北萂ichigan大学更好的医学院了?
Yes, I know that. 是的 我知道。
Let's meet with Charley at the university club. 我们就去大学俱乐膊考鸆harley吧。
Ten o'clock tomorrow morning. 明早十点钟。
It doesn't mean you're going to Michigan. 这 不是说你就要热ichigan大学。
It doesn't mean you have to be a doctor. 这 不意味著你一抖 要当医生。
But the interview will be good experience for you. 但这次面谈对你来怂凳 一次很好的经验。
In that case, it's OK. 这麽说 我就去。
Dad, growing up means 爸爸 长大了意味
making my own decisions, doesn't it? 我自己能做决定 抖月
You're right, Robbie. 你说得对 Robbie
But, like your Grandpa suggested, 但是 照你爷爷所浇 议的
have the interview. 去参加这次面谈。
And then make your own decision. 然後你自己做决定
That sounds fine. 这样听起来蛮好的
I know it's sudden, Robbie, 我知道这件事很突热 Robbie。
but this is an important opportunity. 但这是一次很重要档 机会。
We'll head down there first thing tomorrow morning. 明早第一件事就是热ツ
We'll head down there first thing tomorrow morning. 明早第一件事就是热ツ
OK? 好吗
Sure, Dad. 一定 爸爸。
I want you to know something, Son. 我希望你知道一件适 孩子。
I'm ... very proud of you. 我很……以你为荣
Thanks, Dad. 谢谢你 爸爸。
Well, I've got an appointment at the hospital. 好啦 我在医院有适隆
I'll see you all at dinnertime. 吃晚饭时见面了。
Bye, Dad. 再见 爸爸。
Is something still wrong, Robbie? 还有什麽不对的地贩铰 Robbie
I'll be OK. 没什麽。
Going away to college for the first time 第一次离家上大学
always makes one a little nervous. 总是让人有些紧张
I guess so. 我猜是这样。
I'll be OK. I just need time to think. 我会适应的 我只适切 要时间思考。